2 In Spirit

How I Discovered the Magic of Sound Healing

Sound healing with cymatic patterns in cellular water

Using intuitive singing as a form of sound healing has always felt deeply spiritual to me. I believe it’s because sound is the creative force behind the Universe. It shapes our reality in a literal sense. In one of my podcast episodes, I talked about how we’re all born from the primordial sound tones and light rays of a celestial intelligence. These tones didn’t just create us, they also created the Universe and can be traced all the way back to Source.

To me, the Universe is like a never-ending choral symphony, and each person is a unique song contributing to that symphony. When someone is unwell, I can hear their song is out of tune. During my light language sound healing sessions, I use the primordial sound tones that come through my voice when I sing to re-tune the person back into harmony.


Celestial Beings Heal with Sound & Music

Now, I know this might sound radical to some people, but high dimensional celestial beings outside our Universe actually use sound and music to heal. In fact, I’ve been receiving this kind of healing from them since I was a child, though I wasn’t fully aware of it back then.

For many years, I would wake up from sleeping feeling intense cellular vibrations in my body. I would also see an intricate, mandala-like pattern imprinted into my energy field. The design was different each time but always very beautiful. The cellular vibrations and imprints would disappear after a minute of me opening my eyes. While I didn’t understand the meaning behind it at the time, I had a sense something deeper was happening.

For years, I searched for answers. I went to psychics, healers, and spiritual teachers, but no one could explain what I was experiencing. Then one morning, everything changed. I was woken up by the sound of chimes. It was three different tones that played one after the other and they were crystal clear. At first, I thought the sounds were coming from my environment—maybe the TV or the radio? But intuitively, I knew that wasn’t the case.

It repeated a few times before it finally stopped. After that, I got out of bed and went straight to my piano to find out what notes they were. It turned out to be A#5, C#6, and F#6. I felt these tones had something to do with healing, but I didn’t know what exactly was being healed and how it was happening.


Cymatics: Visualizing Sound & Vibrations

So, I dove into numerous books about music, sonic science, and esoteric sound healing knowledge to try and make sense of it all. That’s when I stumbled upon Hans Jenny’s book “Cymatics: The Study of Wave Phenomena and Vibration“. He used sound frequencies to vibrate a Chladni plate covered with sand or water and discovered that certain frequencies created beautiful geometric patterns. When I saw the photos, my jaw dropped—they looked exactly like the designs I’d been seeing imprinted into my energy field!

Here is an example from his book:

In that moment, it hit me: I was being healed by celestial beings using sound frequencies for all these years! These frequencies came from very high dimensions and they were helping to restore my energy body and etheric DNA.

Though I only heard those chimes once, I believe it was Spirit giving me a clue so that I would discover sound healing and be guided closer to what I’m doing today. Had I not connected the dots between the chimes, the cellular vibrations, and the cymatics patterns, I might’ve missed the divine guidance that set me on this path of sound healing.

So if you’ve ever wondered how I came up with the idea to offer light language sound healing sessions, this is the story!


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  • Reply
    January 30, 2025 at 1:11 PM

    Europe, and in Ancient Russia

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      VickiLynn Chan
      January 31, 2025 at 12:44 PM

      Yes! Cymatic patterns can be seen as artwork in Europe and Ancient Russia, as well as in many ancient civilizations throughout the world.

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