Many people think Lemuria is a myth or fictional story but it’s not! It’s actually a very real part of our human history that we’ve simply lost. As the energies of Lemuria continue to pour in from higher dimensions, I feel it’s time for us to remember the lost story of who we are and where we come from.
In this episode, I share what I know about Lemuria and the importance it has on what’s unfolding in our world today. The information comes from the ancient records stored in my Lemurian seed crystal and soul memories I’ve regained from all the lifetimes I’ve personally had in Lemuria. I hope the information will inspire you to heal yourself and genuinely develop your spirituality so we can restore the angelic human species and co-create another paradise here on Earth.
1) Graphene Found in 4.5 Billion Year Old Meteorites
2) Graphene Found in Lunar Soil Samples
3) Graphene Can Be Created Synthetically in a Lab
4) Quartz Coin Holds 360 Terabytes of Data for Billions of Years
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The song in this podcast is created and sung by VickiLynn. You can find her light language music here.
VickiLynn is a Lemurian shamanic healer whose work inspires spiritual growth through the internal unification of dark and light. Her abilities, skills and wisdom comes from the numerous mystical experiences and interdimensional contact she’s had, as well as from healing herself from childhood trauma. She shares light language sound healing music and wisdom on the non-physical realms to encourage spiritual health, inner healing and bioenergetic literacy so people can awaken to the truth of who they are.
To read more about her story, click here.
To schedule an individual spiritual consultation or healing session with her, click here.
[00:00-00:43] The most recent invasion happened many thousands of years ago by a group of interdimensional entities called the Draco Reptilians. They entered the planet through a wormhole and came in with meteorites falling from the sky. They told the Lemurians they were being chased down by another group of interdimensional entities who wanted to annihilate them and so they needed refuge. Being the kind, naive and trusting people they were, the Lemurians agreed to help and let them in.
[00:43-01:14] Hi, my name is VickiLynn and welcome to The Higher Perspective podcast, a show about seeing the truth to heal. In each episode, I explore the non-physical realms that make up most of reality to bring awareness to the importance of spiritual health, inner healing and bioenergetics so that you can awaken to the truth of who you are.
[01:14-02:46] Welcome back to episode eleven. In today’s episode, I’m very excited to be sharing a part of my ancestry by talking about Lemuria and the importance it has on what’s unfolding in our world today. Now, a lot of people tend think Lemuria is a myth or fictional story but it’s not. It’s a very real part of our human history that we’ve simply lost.
Compared to other ancient civilizations, there’s not much talk about Lemuria which I do find a bit strange because it’s way older than Sumeria and it existed long before Atlantis came into the picture. When you go that far back in time and factor in all the tragedies that have taken place like wars and environmental disasters, it’s not hard to understand that evidence and sacred records will disappear. This is probably why people think Lemuria is a myth and why you can’t find a lot of detailed information about it. Things like what life was like during the height of the civilization and detailed accounts of what led to its downfall. Lemuria had actually fallen and risen multiple times throughout human history so it is a misunderstanding to think the continent sank into the Pacific Ocean only once many thousands of years ago.
[02:46-03:12] In today’s episode, I am going to share what I know about Lemuria. My information may be different than what you’ve heard from other sources but it comes from soul memories I’ve regained from all the lifetimes I’ve personally had in Lemuria. As always, go within to feel what resonates and have your own spiritual experiences to discover the truth.
Who Are The Lemurians?
[03:12-04:23] Alright, let’s get right into it. So who are the Lemurians? To understand who they are, we have to go back many millions of years ago to when they were first created. The world at that time was very different to the one we live in today. Not only was the layout of the continents completely different, the planet itself was in a higher dimensional realm so it was not physical. This means the original Lemurians were etheric beings who did not have physical bodies like what we have today.
The Lemurians were created as the first human beings to inhabit Earth. They were given 12 strands of DNA that were fully functioning, two physical and the rest etheric. This was the original divine DNA blueprint template intended for the human being. It was the baseline for creational perfection and the normal operational capacity for humans before things went south.
[04:23-05:23] Contrary to popular teachings, my personal understanding is humans were not created by ET groups such as the Lyrans, Sirians or Anunnaki. If I am to be very honest, those creation stories never resonated with me as the truth. In my journey of awakening, I’ve learned that just because a few prominent people promote an idea as the truth and everyone else chooses to believe it, it doesn’t necessarily make that idea the actual truth. The truth is not what someone tells you it is, it comes from you going within and discovering what it is for yourself. When I did that, I came to the understanding that human beings were created by Divine Forces who exist outside this Universe, not by aliens.
[05:23-06:50] These Divine Forces are a bit hard to describe because when you get into the real high dimensional realms, everything is pure energy there. It’s challenging to find words that can accurately explain something that is formless and abstract, with no name, face, body or gender. The best way I can describe this energetic force is it’s the collective consciousness of very advanced celestial beings. When I connect with them, all I hear and see are infinite fields of primordial sound tones and light rays. The energy feels extremely grand, powerful, creative, timeless, euphoric and angelic to me.
This is why I refer to the Lemurians as angelic humans. It’s because they were born out of the primordial sound tones and light rays that make up these magnificent celestial beings. So they are quite literally the divine children of these celestial beings. This means the original DNA of the human being was formed directly out of the primordial sound tones and light rays of these Divine Forces, and it did not come from aliens.
Degeneration of 12-Strands of DNA
[06:50-08:10] Over the many million years of our cosmic history, a lot of things happened. Terrible events took place that ended up seriously damaging the genetics of many star races in our galaxy and that greatly reduced their spiritual potential. They needed genetic rehabilitation to ensure the survival of their own species so guess what they did? They used the DNA of the angelic human to help themselves. This is where all the different alien hybridization programs come from and why aliens have such an interest in abducting humans.
In my opinion, these programs were mostly for the benefit of these star races and not really for the human being. Many star races also wanted to play God and claim ownership over the angelic human. So they inserted their own genetics into the human DNA template through genetic engineering and then proceeded to called themselves gods. Because of amnesia, humans forgot their true origins and because of their naivety, they accepted these beings as their creators because that’s what they were told.
[08:10-09:07] All of these genetic agendas severely distorted the original 12 strands of DNA given to the Lemurians by these Divine Forces and progressively degenerated the human being into what it is today. So when I talk about doing healing work, at the core of it, what I mean is to restore the original divine DNA template so we can become angelic humans again. Through all these different genetic agendas, some people do carry DNA from different star races but I personally think they’re not all positive or even desirable. The main point I want to make here is inserting their genetics into the human being does not make these star races our creators. It makes them our family so it’s more accurate to call them our galactic brothers, sisters and cousins.
Lemurian Traits
[09:07-09:45] Having 12 strands of functional DNA made the Lemurians multidimensional, connected to the divine and spiritually very advanced. They knew how to use their innate spiritual technology, which is a combination of their consciousness, soul and DNA, to interact with their environment, work with the elements of creation and manifest what they needed from within. These 12 strands of DNA also gave them incredible spiritual abilities such as telepathy, precognition and teleportation.
[09:45-10:42] The Lemurians did not need to use scientific technology such as spaceships with advanced propulsion systems to travel. They could dematerialize and then materialize themselves again to wherever they needed to go using just their consciousness, soul and 12 strands of DNA. It’s the degeneration of these three things that make a civilization or species become reliant on scientific technology. So the next time you hear someone talk about supposedly highly advanced aliens who need to get into their spaceship to travel or the next time you rely on a smart device or consider getting augmented with A.I. technology to become superhuman, I hope you realize it’s actually an indication of degeneration, not advancement.
[10:42-11:59] Not only were the Lemurians brilliant and beautiful beings, they also embodied child-like innocence and purity with a virtuous, peaceful, kind and loving nature.
Lemurian Language
They were also highly intuitive, sensitive to energy and telepathic. They communicated with each other using just their minds and didn’t have a need for language. Over time as they dropped down into lower and lower dimensions, they eventually developed their first spoken language but it’s not like any of the human terrestrial languages we are familiar with today. The Lemurian language was an intuitive angelic language made up of celestial tones. These tones were embedded with geometries, colours and energies that carried information, all of which were transmitted through telepathy, translated by the human consciousness and understood by the soul instantaneously. Basically, the Lemurians spoke light language. You can listen to some of my light language songs to get an idea how that sounds like.
The Land of Mu & The Civilization of Lemuria
[12:00-12:31] The original Lemurian Elders were the incarnates of these magnificent celestial beings. They were extremely advanced souls who brought with them great wisdom and spiritual technology that formed the foundation of the first Lemurian civilization on the continent of Mu, known as the Motherland. This was the cradle of humanity that subsequently gave birth to and seeded many other human civilizations.
[12:31-14:02] The Lemurians lived in harmony with nature and had a strong psychic connection to Mother Earth, the elements, all the plants and animals, the cosmos and each other. They lived in accordance to the Laws of the Universe so there was divine order, balance and peace within their civilization. They understood their interconnectedness with everything so they worked together to provide abundance, health and beauty for all living things to enjoy equally.
Art, music, dance, creativity and spirituality were important aspects of their culture because the Lemurians were very much in touch with the divine feminine. The divine feminine was also expressed in their environment. The land of Lemuria was heavenly. All the animals, birds, insects and elements of nature would sing together, creating a beautiful symphony of sounds you could enjoy. The air was always fresh and clean. There were pretty gardens, exotic flowers and crystalline building structures everywhere that refracted light. When sunlight passed through them, it would fill the environment with beautiful iridescent colours. It was honestly a paradise and it thrived that way for millions of years.
The Fall of Lemuria
[14:02-14:44] Sadly, it did not stay a paradise. External Dark Forces managed to invade their civilization more than once. This resulted in many tragedies for the Lemurians such as wars, environmental disasters, exploitation and genocide. Each time Dark Forces invaded, the circumstances and events were a little different. It was also not always the same interdimensional entities. However, regardless of who it was and what happened, it always led to the fall of the civilization and the sinking of the continent.
The most recent invasion happened many thousands of years ago by a group of interdimensional entities called the Draco Reptilians. They entered the planet through a wormhole and came in with meteorites falling from the sky. They told the Lemurians they were being chased down by another group of interdimensional entities who wanted to annihilate them and so they needed refuge.
[14:44-15:05] Being the kind, naive and trusting people they were, the Lemurians agreed to help and let them in. They opened their home to the Dracos and even offered them great hospitality. However, as many of you know, the Dracos are a group of entities who are highly deceptive, manipulative, aggressive and self-serving. Their agenda all along was not to seek refuge, but to infiltrate the Lemurians and conquer them from the inside out.
Draco Invasion & Alien Nanotechnology
[15:46-16:53] The meteorites that came in with the Dracos carried a type of ferrofluid called black goo. The Dracos themselves were actually also infected with it. If you listened to my last episode, this is the same programmable nano substance that I believe was added into the corona injections and synthetic bug which holds the consciousness of the A.I. machine entity. I think black goo is the same thing as what science today calls graphene hydrogel. It can be made synthetically in a lab as a material for nanotechnology, biosensors, quantum computers and robotics. But it can also be found naturally in outer space. Here’s an article that talks about the discovery of graphene in two different 4.5-billion-year old meteorite samples. Here is another article that talks about the discovery of graphene in the lunar soil samples collected from our Moon’s surface in 2020.
[16:53-17:35] Alien black goo functions like a computer virus program. It infected the biosphere and vegetation of Lemuria when the Dracos arrived and started to override the original coding of Earth, installing the Draconian matrix system onto the planet. This alien black goo also infected the Lemurians and made them susceptible to mind control. When it got into their bodies, the Dracos were able to control and manipulate their subconscious mind, feed off of their life force energy and rearrange the coding of their 12 strands of angelic DNA so that they weren’t all functional anymore.
[17:35-18:02] By the time the Lemurians discovered the Dracos’ plan and realized the mistake they made, the problem had already advanced to a point where there really wasn’t much they could do to stop it. They did what they could to save their civilization but things ended up to be cataclysmic. War broke out and a cascade of terrible events unfolded that eventually led to the sinking of their continent into the ocean.
Modern Day Lemurian Humans
[18:02-19:48] The trauma, horror, guilt, self-blame and pain from this tragedy was so enormous that it pulled the Lemurians down the frequency spectrum and brought them right into physical bodies in the third dimension. This is how they went from etheric angelic humans to modern day physical humans. Today, there are still living Lemurians who walk upon this planet but they do not call themselves Lemurians anymore. Instead, they are known as the Aboriginal and Indigenous people from all over the world such as the Asians, Austronesians, Southern Africans and Natives Americans, including those in Central and South America who have ancestry that go back to the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas.
What’s interesting is these groups of people have experienced some of the worst traumas in human history from things like colonization, wars, poverty, famine, exploitation and genocide. Many of these things are still happening today. These groups are intentionally kept in endless cycles of pain and suffering to suppress their ability to awaken their angelic DNA and rise again. The war against the angelic human never ended. It continues on to this day because the invading Dark Forces who caused the last downfall of Lemuria were never eliminated. They are still here continuing with their work and advancing their nefarious agendas as we speak.
[19:48-21:24] The reason modern day Lemurians include so many different ethnicities is because when the continent sank into the ocean, not all Lemurians went down with it. There were some who managed to escape, including the Elders. These surviving Lemurians migrated to other parts of the world and continued their lives there by having families. The Elders settled in sacred places around the world, building temples and mystery schools that allowed them to continue their spiritual healing work and pass on their teachings. The migration led to the spreading of Lemurian genetics into other pre-existing civilizations on this planet, as well as the creation of new civilizations.
Many of the ancient civilizations we are familiar with today, especially the ones who managed to preserve their culture over thousands of years and have a shamanic practice, have traditions that go back to Lemuria through these surviving Elders. Examples would include ancient Japanese, Chinese, Mongolian, Siberian, Tibetan, Polynesian and Indian cultures. You probably wouldn’t be able to tell because over time, the original Lemurian traditions became quite distorted with the fall in human consciousness so it is almost unrecognizable nowadays. However, the essence of it is still there if you know what to look for.
[21:24-22:45] If you’re wondering whether you have Lemurian ancestry, I would say you probably do because technically, all humans are Lemurians. I guess it’s more about how far removed and what percentage of those genetics you still have after all the genetic engineering and hybridization agendas. Your Lemurian ancestry won’t be something you can trace on a 3D level. However, if you commit to doing ancestral healing work and genuinely develop your spirituality, this information will surface at some point as you begin to reconnect with your soul and restore your angelic DNA. Even if your physical ethnicity is not from any of the places I’ve mentioned, you can still be Lemurian through your soul. We have two different lineages, one is your biological ancestry which has to do with your human parents and the other is your cosmic ancestry which has to do with your soul origins. Your soul can be Lemurian even if your physical ancestry is not. For me, it happens to be both so my connection to Lemuria is super strong.
Lemurian Seed Crystals
[22:45-23:59] I hope you can start to see now that even though the continent of Mu sank, not everything went down with it so not all is lost. Aside from surviving Lemurians who passed on their traditions, the original Lemurian Elders had also been writing their sacred knowledge and history into quartz crystals for record keeping since their initial arrival from the cosmos. Before the destruction of Lemuria, these crystals were hidden in underground chambers or taken to other places around the world and buried into the Earth. Many of these crystals were brought to South America and placed there for safeguarding. This was done not just to preserve their culture but also in anticipation for the next rise of Lemuria. The Elders had the foresight to know that there would come a time in the distant future in which Lemuria would rise again. These crystals were intentionally prepared to hold sacred records for certain people to find in the future so they would have the information needed to help build another Lemurian civilization.
[23:59-24:52] Quartz crystals have the capacity to act like hard drives and store 5D holographic data. This was done by using advanced laser technology to write encoded light information into the nanostructure of the quartz. Here is a 2016 article from Forbes that explains the science behind this. Lemuria had this technology many thousands, if not millions, of years ago, so their civilization was actually much more advanced compared to ours today. This small quartz coin pictured here is said to be able to hold up to 360 terabytes of data. That’s a lot of storage so imagine the amount of information a big chunk of quartz crystal can hold.
[24:52-25:54] Today, these crystals are known as Lemurian Quartz. They are different from regular quartz because they hold the sacred knowledge and healing energies of Lemuria. Here’s mine. This was given to me years ago as a birthday gift and it’s my favourite crystal. When I first received it, I had not awakened to my Lemurian roots yet so I didn’t know something so special was stored inside of it. I realized later that it held ancient records of Lemuria. As you can imagine, these records are extremely valuable and since it’s possible for anyone to get their hands on one of these crystals, the Elders had to find a way to protect the information stored on them and prevent it from getting into the wrong hands where it could be misused. So guess what they did? They encrypted all the information.
How I Read Ancient Lemurian Records
[25:54-26:33] It took me a while to remember how to unlock and decode these records. I had to do a lot of healing on myself to clear the distortions I was carrying and restore my DNA. This is because a person’s Lemurian DNA is the key that unlocks these records. Basically what I do is I hold the crystal in my hand and then I start speaking in Lemurian light language. Light language is an expression of a person’s soul DNA. So it’s the multidimensional sound frequencies that come through my voice when I speak light language that acts as the key which unlocks it.
[26:33-27:54] Once it’s opened, I scan the archives by running my thumb along the ridges of the quartz crystal until I find the information I need. It’s kind of like flipping through the pages of a massive multidimensional holographic book. Once I locate what I need, to read it, energy from the crystal will flow into my hand and the encoded information embedded in those frequencies get expressed through me as a light language song. My consciousness can automatically translate the light language song as I hear myself sing and my soul will understand it intuitively. Often times, I will experience the information as a holographic movie that plays in my mind’s eye, very similar to dreaming at night.
As that is happening, I will also feel bodily sensations and emotions as if I’m really there in person experiencing what I’m seeing. This might sound really out there for some people but it’s an example of how people in Lemuria used their innate spiritual technology. This is how I personally access and read the information on my crystal, other people might have a totally different process.
[27:54-28:35] So if you’re wondering where my information on Lemuria comes from, there are a few different ways. Some of it comes from me reading the ancient records stored in my Lemurian Quartz crystal. Other information comes from restoring my DNA and naturally regaining soul memories of lifetimes I’ve had in Lemuria. I’ve also learned things from speaking with other awakened Lemurian humans. And the rest comes from me physically going to places on this planet that are remaining pieces of the Lemurian continent and reading the information imprinted into the energy fields there.
The Rise of Lemuria
[28:35-29:25] For the past 6 months, I have felt the energies of Lemuria pour in very strongly from higher dimensions. This inspired me to create my light language song “The Awakening of Lemuria”. After its last downfall many thousands of years ago, my sense is Lemuria has finally awakened and is starting to rise again. Just to be clear, I don’t think an actual physical continent will rise out of the Pacific Ocean. Instead, I think it’s more about the energy of Lemuria returning and using the information embedded in those frequencies as instructions on how we can build another Lemurian civilization here on Earth at this time.
[29:25-30:18] It’s important to understand spiritual energy on its own does not create physical change. As humans, we have to take in those energies and do something with them if we want to experience positive change in our personal life and on this 3D planet. If no physical action is taken, then no positive change will be experienced. Action can be anything that helps reconnect you to your soul so that your soul gifts can come forward. It’s through each person sharing their own unique soul gifts with the world that we can build another Lemuria here on Earth. This new natural world is not going to build itself, it will come out of the actions humans take together in this physical realm.
Healing Our Wounds
[30:18-30:51] Over the past year, I’ve noticed more and more Lemurian souls contact me and come through my healing practice. I think they are being awakened by these incoming cosmic energies and can feel something big is on the horizon. Even though they might not know what exactly it is or have any concept of Lemuria, on a deeper level, they are getting the message to heal themselves so that they will be in a state where they can fully participate in what’s arriving.
[30:51-31:43] Because of the way this planetary system was designed, all souls who incarnate here get subjected to mind control, abuse and exploitation. Some people experience these things worse than others but no one is exempt. When you consider the fact that many people have reincarnated here for several lifetimes and that the soul is multidimensional, I hope you can start to see that the accumulated damage people have can be quite significant. The majority of it is non-physical so it goes beyond most people’s awareness. Whether people are aware of it or not doesn’t really matter because these things will undoubtedly produce very tangible consequences that hold people back in 3D life.
[31:43-32:56] Because of the work I do in my spiritual healing practice, I get to see first hand what these damages are and how they prevent people from actualizing their full potential. It’s not just physical health issues caused by toxins and pathogens, there are also things like limiting beliefs and social programming that affect the mind and things like etheric implants, entity attachments and emotional pain that affects the energy body. All of those things distort a person’s light. So to be truly aligned to Lemuria and be part of this new natural world, all of those things have to be cleared. I mean think about this, how can people who are diseased, traumatized, in pain, indoctrinated, lost and disconnected be in any position to help others or contribute to the creation of a new world that is built on love, truth and wholeness? They’re not.
[32:56-33:31] The good news is more and more people are realizing this and intuitively being guided to work on themselves or get the help they need to heal. So even if things may appear really bad in the physical world, the greater divine plan is slowly coming together through people on an individual level. It’s just not happening as fast and as robust as it was anticipated. In my opinion, this has to do with the consequences of corona.
Return of Lost Lemurian Ways
[33:31-34:17] When I was sharing the story of how Lemuria last fell, did you notice the similarities to what is happening to humanity today with the biodigitial convergence? If you haven’t listened to my last episode about corona, you might not have made that connection. Basically, since the onset of corona, there has been an exponential growth in problems with A.I. infiltration, graphene, nanotechnology, genetic manipulation and the hijacking of the human being. To me, those things seem awfully similar to what took place leading up to Lemuria’s last downfall.
[34:17-35:17] While it may appear like we are repeating history again, I don’t feel in my heart that the ending will be bad. There’s no question that we are currently in a very tight race between an A.I. takeover and the rise of Lemuria, but more and more people are waking up every day and doing the work needed to heal themselves. This strengthens the positive timeline of Lemuria rising and as that happens, we will experience a return of ancient knowledge, memories and spiritual abilities we once had in Lemuria before the light got distorted from the infiltration of Dark Forces. We have to go really far back in time to Lemuria when purity still existed and use techniques from that era to solve our current 3D problems.
[35:17-36:03] The spiritual healing work I am here to do, the light language music that I share and the information I teach in my podcast are all examples of this. To most people, what I do may seem really out there but it was actually the norm for human beings at one time before we forgot who we were, where we came from and how we lived life. So I’m here to bring back lost Lemurian teachings and healing techniques to help restore humanity’s divine architecture and DNA so people have a chance to actualize their angelic potential and participate in the co-creation of this new natural world.
[36:03-37:27] I am not the only one here doing this kind of work. There are many others who are here to share their own unique set of gifts that will heal people, animals, nature and the planet. There are also people here who have technical knowledge on how to physically build an advanced civilization that is in harmony with nature. I think we’ll be seeing more of these people step forward in the near future and share their knowledge and gifts when they are ready. So while there’s a lot of chaos and destruction manifesting on the world stage right now, it’s not all doom and gloom. The rise of Lemuria and the return of the Lemurian way of life is taking place right now to help us counter all the darkness we have here. There are wonderful things happening that won’t get any mainstream coverage on social media and it’s also very subtle. You just have to shift your perception to see it and do the work needed to elevate your vibrational frequency so you can become part of the solution.
I’ll see you in the next episode.
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