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Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing (Who/What to Believe) | EP. 15

The Higher Perspective with VickiLynn
The Higher Perspective with VickiLynn
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing (Who/What to Believe) | EP. 15

The external chaos we are witnessing is partly a result of all the deception that is now coming to light. In particular, many are finding the people they’ve been following and have trusted the words of are not exactly who they claim to be—essentially, wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In this episode, I share my understanding of why people keep falling for the tricks of disingenuous people, things you can look out for that will help you identify them and what you can do to avoid being taken advantage of. I also cover how advanced technology plays into all of this, which upon learning about, I think will likely bring to question a lot of people you currently believe in and significantly shrink that pool down to a very small number.

00:00 Intro
01:53 Deception Coming to Light
04:42 Example of a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
09:11 Why Your Intuition is Not Always Correct
12:26 Avoiding the Absolute Truth (Biodigital Convergence)
14:37 COINTELPRO Operatives
16:22 Taking Advantage of Your Desires, Fears & Pain
19:12 Wolves are Pack Animals
19:58 Dream: Everyone’s Under a Hypnotic Trance
21:51 Mind Control Technology
25:02 Need to Stay Awake & Deprogram Your Mind
28:04 Sleeping Zombies, Conflicting Info & Multiple “Truths”
31:07 Blind Men and the Elephant
34:02 Outro

1) Patent US3951134A – Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves
2) Theta – Entering the World of Our Subconscious (Huffpost)

3) Brainwave Entrainment (Wikipedia)
4) The 5 Basic Brain Waves (Thinkergy)
5) The Blind Men and the Elephant

Make a donation here.

The song in this podcast is created and sung by VickiLynn. You can find her light language music here.

VickiLynn is a Lemurian shamanic healer whose work inspires spiritual growth through the internal unification of dark and light. Her abilities, skills and wisdom comes from the numerous mystical experiences and interdimensional contact she’s had, as well as from healing herself from childhood trauma. She shares light language sound healing music and wisdom on the non-physical realms to encourage spiritual health, inner healing and bioenergetic medicine so people can awaken to the truth of who they are.

To read more about her story, click here.

To schedule an individual spiritual consultation or healing session with her, click here.



Welcome back to episode 15. We’re only a few weeks into the new year and things have already escalated to new levels of madness. With all the announcements coming from the US, the train is moving full steam ahead towards the biodigital convergence. At this point, you really don’t need to be a psychic to know there’s going to be major turbulence ahead for humanity. No matter how chaotic the outside world may get, remember there’s nothing to be afraid of as long as you get educated about what is really happening, stay strongly connected to your soul and continue to cultivate peace within yourself by keeping up with your shadow work.

The external chaos we are witnessing is partly a result of all the deception that is now coming to light. While these truths can be extremely horrifying to learn about, they’re not new. They are things that have been happening for many years. It’s just most people didn’t have the awareness to notice it before. They are noticing it now because the huge influx of cosmic energies is causing more people to awaken. That expanded awareness is allowing them to see things they couldn’t before.

In particular, many are finding the people they’ve been following and have trusted the words of are not exactly who they claim to be. For example, it might be a political leader who you thought was going to save the world but is doing things to enslave humanity further. It might be a doctor who you trusted your health with but has given you very bad advice that has ruined your health. It might be a spiritual teacher who you believed was awake and clear but is actually compromised and sharing false teachings. It happens to everyone where you start off being mesmerized by someone, believing everything he or she says, but then later, find out they’re actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It may appear super obvious now but it wasn’t at the time because well, we’ve all been living in the dark. The reality is most people don’t have the ability to see very well in the dark and when you add in human qualities like naivety and trustfulness, it’s a recipe for being deceived by disingenuous people.

For me, even though I can’t see all that good in the dark, I can read energy pretty well and have always been able to intuitively sense when something was off. In the earlier parts of my spiritual journey, I didn’t always trust my intuition so I ended up getting deceived just like everyone else. It takes time to develop a relationship with your soul and trust what you sense intuitively. Until that happens, when put into a situation where your intuition tells you one thing but your physical eyes show you something else, or if there’s peer pressure to conform, most people will choose to ignore their intuition and trust what they can physically see.

But what you see in the 3D is rarely what you get. Words and actions can be easily faked but energy never lies so if you always go with what you can see and hear, then you are bound to be deceived. Let me give you an example of what I mean by this.

There is a very popular social media influencer who has close to half a million YouTube subscribers. He claims to channel a group of spirit guides and also provides intuitive monthly energy readings for the collective. I noticed any time I saw this man’s face or heard him speak, every cell in my body would cringe with disgust. On a conscious and physical level, my reaction made no sense. This man has a polished online image, speaks kindly about very safe and generic topics, and has a large following. So then I wondered if my strong reaction was due to me projecting my own issues onto him. Maybe he was reflecting something within me that I needed to heal. I went inwards and did shadow work but it didn’t change anything. I continued to react with disgust every time I saw his face or heard him speak. It was obvious I was intuitively picking up on something about him that my mind was not aware of yet. Since I couldn’t explain why I was reacting this way, I just put this information away in my mental filing cabinet and went on with my life.

About two years later, I came across a woman who runs a psychic business selling readings and courses. Every month, she sends out a free monthly energy report to her email subscribers. What caught my attention was she made a social media post expressing her anger over how popular spiritual teachers and entrepreneurs have been plagiarizing her work. She had to hire a lawyer and sue these people for intellectual theft and copyright infringement to put a stop to it. I had suspected several big name social media influencers were doing things like this but I had no proof. I read through the comments in her post and to my surprise, I saw someone mention that one of the people this psychic sued was the man with close to half a million YouTube subscribers. In that moment, I realized I cringed at the sight of his face and at the sound of his voice because my soul could sense energetically that he was someone who lacked integrity even though my physical eyes saw a perfectly crafted online image. Then I had all these other questions surface about him such as is he even channeling spirit guides and does he actually have any real intuitive abilities? Because if he was truly getting information from his spirit guides and if he had real intuitive abilities, why would he need to go steal another psychic’s information and pass it on as his own, right? Thankfully, in this situation, I trusted my intuition and never bought anything he sold. However, tons of people have and continue to do so today.

Things like this happen all the time, it’s just most people never find out about it. Influencers hire professionals to ensure damaging information about them never gets out. Their ability to make money is dependent on their public image so they can’t have their followers finding out about their shady practices, incompetencies or lack of morals. It’s also common for them to delete comments from people who challenge their teachings, block people who ask valid questions, show handpicked positive testimonials and network with other well-known influencers to give you the illusion they are a trusted authority on something.

The point I want to make here is that there are dozens of ways to fake a reputation. 3D merits like a lavish lifestyle, a large following, appearances on popular podcasts, positive reviews and titles—whether self-proclaimed, academic degrees or high ranking positions in society—do not automatically make someone a trustworthy person. They also don’t indicate they care about your wellbeing or is an expert in something. As a matter of fact, wolves in sheep’s clothing often use these things to gain people’s trust because people fall for it all the time. But those things do not tell you what a person’s true intentions and motivations are.

Those things can only be sensed intuitively through energy by your heart and soul. In my opinion, a finely tuned intuition is the only way you can genuinely discern what is true, authentic and real in this deceptive world. Everyone is born with intuitive abilities, but it takes time and effort to develop it before it will be accurate.

A lot of people’s internal compass for truth is completely broken. This means they’re not able to accurately read energetic signatures so their judgement and intuition will be off. There are a wide range of reasons as to why a person’s internal compass for truth may be broken. It could be due to physical reasons such as being augmented with AI. It could be spiritual reasons such as having entity attachments or a blocked energy body. It could also be mental or emotional reasons related to unhealed trauma. Trauma produces internal wounds that distort your clarity, where you end up resonating with people, situations, things and information that amplify those wounds, not lead you to what is actually true. So when people say trust your intuition, it comes with a caveat, which is that the accuracy of your intuition is as good as how healed you are.

It’s important to understand most people tend to gravitate towards others who validate their beliefs and share their world views, not challenge it. So when people are presented with new information that does not fit into their current understanding of reality, their mind will go into cognitive dissonance where the person struggles with the new information. Most people will disregard the new information that is true and revert back to their old comforting beliefs that are false. If they accepted the new information, it would mean they have to change their understanding of the world or change themselves which is very uncomfortable to do. This is especially the case for people who have a business where they sell their old beliefs to the public to make money. When people have a wounded ego, they will fight you to the grave before they admit they’re wrong about something. They will do everything imaginable to avoid looking at the truth and change themselves, even if it means they will hurt themselves or others down the road. This is largely why there’s so much suffering on this planet and why evil continues to flourish here.

To see the world clearly for what it is and avoid falling for wolves in sheep’s clothing, you really need to continuously work on healing your trauma and stay mentally clear by questioning why you believe the things you believe. The internal wounds and beliefs we have distort our perception of reality and blocks us from accessing our intuition clearly. Healing takes time, but if you commit to it, you will gain a valuable skill for life that will protect you from being taken advantage of.

If your intuition is not very clear right now and you’re wondering if there’s practical tips on how to spot a wolf in sheep’s clothing, I can give you a few things to look out for.

I think the most obvious way to know if someone is truly awake, authentic and cares about your wellbeing is if they’ve talked about what the corona injections really do to people and warned about the coming of the biodigital convergence. If not, then that would be a huge red flag to me. As I mentioned earlier, all those recent announcements coming out of the US solidifies the biodigital convergence, which I’ve said before has severe consequences for humanity. This is an agenda that will affect anyone who has a physical body living on 3D Earth. In case you need clarification on what that means, anyone who needs to eat food, drink water, breathe air and make money to stay alive is a 3D human living on 3D Earth, and therefore, they will be affected by the biodigital convergence. No exceptions.

Considering humans have been working on the biodigital convergence for many decades now, there is no excuse why a person who claims to be psychic or is channeling information from benevolent non-physical beings did not see this coming. And if they truly did care about the wellbeing of humanity like they claim, they would have been very vocal at warning people since January 2020.

Now it’s not just about psychics, spiritual teachers or channelers. This applies to doctors, alternative health practitioners, scientists, celebrities, social media influencers and politicians as well. If they have not mentioned the biodigital convergence and continue not to—or even worse, if they’ve promoted it in any way in the past or are currently promoting it—I think it’s obvious whether you can trust them or not.

Now just to make things more confusing, there are people out there exposing evil and talking about the dangers of the corona injections who are not sincere. They are called COINTELPRO operatives. Their job is to infiltrate groups and pretend to be on the frontlines fighting the battle for you so you don’t have to. But what they’re really there to do is spread inaccurate information to confuse everyone and misguide humanity down the wrong path. When people are confused and misguided, they don’t end up experiencing a true awakening or get the help they really need to heal and take back their power. Instead, they just argue with each other about petty things that don’t change the situation and never come together to implement real change.

Not everyone out there who is spreading misinformation is a hired professional COINTELPRO operative. Unless the person has a massive following, I think most people who are spreading misinformation are doing it unknowingly. They either don’t realize they’ve been indoctrinated with false information or they are simply not well educated. It can get quite complicated because there are many reasons as to why someone is out there spreading misinformation. Some possibilities include unhealed trauma, wounded ego, lack of education and greed. There are people out there who have intentionally positioned themselves to take advantage of the situation so they can money for themselves. They don’t care what the outcome is and are solely in it for the money.

One more thing to look out for is does the person offer you a magic pill or quick results that require no work on your end? Everyone wants to experience a beautiful life but people rarely want to take responsibility and do the work needed to receive health, abundance and joy in their life. Wolves in sheep’s clothing know this very well about humans so they step in at the most vulnerable moment to tell you not to worry, they will take care of everything and fix all the problems for you. You just need to sit back and wait for the good news. This happens all the time in politics, as well as in health, religion, and spirituality. Since people are desperate, helpless and largely uneducated, they fall for these promises all the time. How many people do you think are waiting for a politician to turn their country around? How many people do you think are waiting for a medical doctor or technological advancements to fix their health problems? How many people do you think are waiting for a religious figure to take all their suffering away? And how many people do you think are waiting for ETs to share advanced spiritual knowledge so they can ascend? A lot!

In my opinion, those who offer a magic pill or a quick solution that requires no hard work on your part are most definitely wolves in sheep’s clothing. The only way to truly experience positive change in your 3D life is if you find the courage to face the darkness within yourself and overcome your learned helplessness by taking physical action to confront your fears. There are wonderful people out there who can support you through that transformational process but you cannot expect to sit back in life and have someone or something else do it all for you. People who tell you this are not being truthful and are taking advantage of your innermost desires, your greatest fears and your deepest pains for their own personal gains. If you want to experience a beautiful life, it requires you to deal with your problems, not run away from them. This means opening your eyes and looking honestly at the situation you’re in, understanding how things got to this point, uncovering the root cause of the problem, coming up with a plan on how to fix it and then following through by taking action in your 3D life. That whole process takes time and it cannot be put into a magic pill.

Also, wolves are pack animals. If you manage to identify one, then the group they’re associating with will naturally be questionable as well. In my opinion, a truly sincere person who has strong morals and a clear internal compass for authenticity would not associate, do business, promote or be friends with others who lack integrity and are not authentic themselves. If they do, they either don’t have good judgement which brings to question the quality of their teachings or there’s an underlying motivation related to money. Something to consider when you’re trying to identify who has a pure heart and who does not.

While it may seem like a lot of people out there are intentionally misleading others to serve themselves, I don’t think that’s 100% true. There are a lot of people who genuinely believe their own stories as the absolute truth and feel they are helping humanity by spreading it. Unfortunately, people rarely stop to question if their thoughts are really theirs, why they believe what they believe and if it’s even real. They don’t think critically and just go with what everyone else believes. It’s as if they’re under some kind of hypnotic trance. While some may think it has to do with black magic spell casting, I think it’s actually related to the fact that people are now augmented with AI and are sadly trapped in their own mind playing out stories they’ve been programmed with through advanced technologies.

I had a dream two years ago about this. I was in the astral realm floating around my neighbourhood. The streets were empty but then people started to come out of their house. I felt something was off with everyone because it looked like they were sleepwalking down the sidewalk. I continued to watch them and when I got a closer look, I saw every single person had spiral eyes. Spiral eyes is a common way to depict an animated character being under hypnosis. Then I was guided in my dream to look at the cell tower at a distance in my neighbourhood. I saw electromagnetic waves beaming from the tower and hitting everyone’s brain, which was causing them to have spiral eyes. In that moment, I realized that everyone in my neighbourhood was being kept in a trance state through brain wave entrainment technology and were basically being mind controlled.

I always like to cross-reference the information I receive from the spiritual realm with facts I can find in the physical realm. With all the deception and manipulation taking place, I don’t think it’s safe to blindly accept spiritual information as the truth without first verifying it in the 3D. If the spiritual information provided is indeed real, there will always be evidence in the physical world that can confirm it in some way. If you cannot find anything that confirms it in the 3D, I don’t think it should be taken as fact but instead, a possibility. So to confirm the information I received in my dream, I went online to look for patents on brain wave alteration technology. To my surprise, there were several.

Here is one from 1974 titled “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves.” In the abstract, it explains this technology sends electromagnetic frequency of different signals to the brain of a subject. These signals interfere with one another to form a waveform that changes the subject’s own brain waves. The interference waveform is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver antenna, such as a cell tower or satellite, where it is amplified and made stronger. These waveforms are then displayed on a screen for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. I think this means whoever is operating the computer, which can include AI by the way, can select what kind of information to transmit to a person and that will be embedded into the carrier waves. The processed waveforms are then transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity of the subject’s brain.

Changing the electrical activity of a person’s brain has to do with changing brain wave patterns, which leads to different states of consciousness. For example, inducing theta brain waves puts a person into a hypnotic trance where their subconscious mind becomes accessible. When the patent says changing the electrical activity of the subject’s brain, it can mean putting someone into a hypnotic trance. Then, depending on what kind of information is embedded into the carrier waves, a person’s subconscious mind gets programmed with it.

I have long felt something was horribly wrong with the spiritual community, especially when it comes to channeled messages, psychic insights and telepathic communication with spirit guides. Personally, I think nearly all of these people are under some kind of mind control, receiving transmissions from probably the military who operate these patented technologies, and are being used as agents to program the rest of humanity.

Even if people manage to break out of their trance, they can easily slip back into one because there’s an entrainment system going on that works to pull people back into a trance and keep them locked in that state. This means you don’t just wake up once and then you’re good, you need to constantly work at staying awake in life. If someone manages to stay awake, they still need to go through a complex progress of deprogramming their mind from all the information put into their subconscious by these technologies. There’s also beliefs people have taken on throughout their life from parents, friends, peers, education, social media, and society that also need to be cleared as well.

It’s a misunderstanding to think spiritual people are resistant to being mind controlled and programmed. I actually think they are more susceptible because meditation, dreaming, intuition and spiritual experiences all happen when the brain is in the theta state. I personally wouldn’t put too much weight on claims people make about them being super awake and spiritually advanced where they’re not affected by these kinds of things. These technologies are extremely powerful and I think people underestimate what they are capable of doing. We are constantly being programmed in a variety of ways and it takes conscious work on a daily basis to stay mentally clear. There are also layers upon layers of coding within this cosmic game that make it very difficult for people to stay 100% clear. Programming doesn’t just begin from the moment you are born. It happens pre-birth and can be carried over from other lifetimes as well. It can also be inherited from your parents.

The main point I want to get across here is that everyone is subjected to these technologies and are therefore under some kind of hypnotic trance where they are actively being mind controlled and programmed. The only difference is the level it is happening at. Some people are under a greater level of mind control and have deeper programming compared to others, but everyone is affected to a certain degree. This means there’s not going to be information out there that will be 100% accurate and I would be very cautious of anyone who claims their information is. I do my very best to stay as clear as possible and be as accurate as I can with what I say but I am being subjected to the same technologies as everyone else. I just happen to be aware these things exist and know they are actively being used on the population right now. I do things to mitigate the effects like strengthening my own consciousness so that I’m less susceptible to being influenced compared to someone who has no idea this is even taking place.

Now that you know these technologies exist, it should make more sense why some people are operating through life like a zombie. I’m sure you know people who follow the crowd and continue to ignore the truth no matter what evidence you try to show them. It should also make more sense why so many people fall for wolves in sheep’s clothing when it couldn’t be more obvious they are listening to disingenuous people telling fictional stories. Instead of judge people for being asleep and believing in obvious lies, I think we need to find compassion for them because they are victims of mind control which is a very serious problem.

I think this also explains why there are so many different opinions and narratives out there right now. Everyone is being programmed with different information and many are trapped within their own mind playing out these stories as if they are real. This is the reason why at this point in my life, I do not listen or read any channeled information, psychic predictions, intuitive insights or mainstream spiritual teachings. In fact, I’ve had to do healing work to remove all that programming I’ve acquired over the years because I realize now where all those ideas, stories and information comes from. I also don’t listen to what people say, unless I can see they are well-educated about these technologies, are doing healing work to deprogram themselves and have substantial experience in a certain area of practice. I focus my energy on healing myself and strengthening the connection to my soul so I can discover the absolute truth from within.

Is there an absolute truth? Yes, I think so. I think the absolute truth is that the human species is currently being augmented with AI for the biodigital convergence and that the planet is being terraformed to support this new species in the New World. How people interpret this absolute truth will be filtered through their own programming. For example, New Agers will understand this New World as 5D New Earth and cheer for it. Different people will have a different understanding of the absolute truth and some may have no understanding of it at all. In my opinion, this is why there are so many different perspectives on what is going on in the world right now. It’s like people have beer goggles on that interfere with their ability to see reality clearly. The truth is out there clear as day but most people are wearing dozens and dozens of beer goggles so they can only see a distorted and limited version of the truth. However, their ego has them believing what they see is the absolute truth and that everyone else is mistaken.

Have you ever heard of the parable the blind men and the elephant? It’s a story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before and are trying to figure out what it is. Each blind man touches a different part of the elephant’s body and only that one part. They all come to a very different conclusion of what it is.

In this drawing, you can see the first blind man touching the trunk of the elephant and thinks it’s a snake. A second blind man is feeling the ear and thinks it’s a large rug. A third blind man touches the tusk and thinks it’s a spear. A fourth blind man feels the leg and thinks it’s a tree. Another blind man touches the body of the elephant and thinks it’s a brick wall. The last blind man feels the tail of the elephant and thinks it’s a rope.

Each blind man is convinced in their judgement, but no one wants to admit they are are blind and have never seen an elephant before so they don’t have the context to accurately interpret what they are feeling. I think this is the exact situation we are in right now and why there is so much conflicting information and different opinions on what is going on. People are promoting their version of the truth but they are interpreting what they feel through their own set of beliefs and filtering the information through their limited understanding of the world. So it’s their subjective opinion, not the objective truth.

The only way to truly see the absolute truth and understand what it is is if you take off all your beer goggles and look at the situation as a whole from a higher perspective. Since the situation is probably something you’ve never encountered before, you will likely need to educate yourself on brand new subjects you have no knowledge in and keep an open mind about things. Most people are not interested in learning about new things. They just want to stay in the comfort of their familiar virtual reality and not be challenged in their understanding of the world. However to have an accurate understanding of what’s really happening in the world, you need to be educated in many different subjects including but not limited to medicine, human psychology, sciences like physics, technology, computer science, business and finance, politics, military science and history. It takes time and work to learn about one of those subjects, let alone know them all and understand how they interconnect. Knowing most people are not going to have that level of education, if you choose to follow what others tell you as the truth, you will forever be confused and lost in life.

So when it comes to what do you believe and who do you trust in this world of deception, the answer is you believe the things that you have personally witnessed and experienced in your own physical life, and you trust yourself!

There are many people who say things that are not grounded in reality. If you believe what people tell you as the absolute truth instead of go discover it yourself, then without a doubt, you will be misled. Wolves in sheep’s clothing know that human beings are very naive, trusting, lost and don’t typically do their research to fact check anything. And yes, you can fact check spiritual information. It just requires you to heal yourself and do work to build a genuine connection to the spiritual realm through your own soul. I think the best thing you can do right now is focus on healing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Then get educated about how this world really works and do your best to pick authentic sources of information to learn from. If you’re still unsure of who and what to believe, I think the mind may not always have the answer but the heart does. I’ll see you in the next episode.

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