Depression is on the rise. According to an article from Boston University, the rate of depression has tripled in the US since 2020 and is consistently climbing. As of 2021 when that article was published, depression was affecting 1 in 3 American adults and predicted to get worse. That statistic is likely even higher now.
In this article, I’m going to explore the spiritual explanation for depression, which is something society largely ignores. If you’re suffering from depression, this perspective can help you understand what’s really happening to you on a spiritual level and give you insight on how you can start to healing it holistically from within.
Depression is Not a Chemical Imbalance
The British Medical Journal published an article about the widely accepted belief of depression being a chemical imbalance in the brain as a “marketing myth.” It states since the 1990s, no one knew whether SSRIs (a type of antidepressant drugs commonly used to treat depression) lowered or raised serotonin levels. This means this type of medication doesn’t actually correct your brain’s biochemistry.
So, if depression is not necessarily a chemical imbalance in your brain, then what is actually the cause?
Potential Spiritual Causes for Depression
In my opinion, the cause is multifaceted. It’s a combination of physical, mental and spiritual issues that all link together. In this article, I will be focusing on just the spiritual reasons.
1. Entity Attachments
The first reason could be entity attachments. In shamanism and a lot of indigenous cultures, evil spirits are known to contribute to mental health disorders including depression. If you are someone who is normally very upbeat, positive and happy but suddenly find yourself depressed without any good reason, you might have unwanted guests hanging around you.
Removing entities is something you’ll need to find an experienced healer to help you do. It’s not something people can do on their own because the process requires a lot more than smudging with sage, burning white candles or imagining white light.
There are many different kinds entities, some of which are very strong, aggressively and vicious. Without the correct knowledge, protocol and abilities, it can be very difficult to get rid of them. Not to mention, if the removal process is not done properly and combined with shadow work, it can make the problem a lot worse.
2. Soul Versus Ego Conflict
The second reason has to do with internal pressure that comes from the conflict between your mind/ego and your heart/soul. It happens when they aren’t aligned and want different things in life. As the two disagree more and more, it builds up internal pressure.
I believe that we all come into this reality with our own unique purpose. We have an internal blueprint that outlines all the major things we are meant to experience and accomplish. Our soul guides us throughout life to fulfill it if we choose to listen.
That blueprint is what our real life purpose is. It’s the real game of life we’re here to play. It contains the real milestones we are suppose to hit. The milestones that society tells us to fulfill are ego-driven and often someone else’s dream. But the ones in our internal blueprint are soul-driven and what we truly want.
Basically, depression is your soul telling you it’s had enough of being ignored. It’s a message from your soul to get you to turn your attention inwards so you can realize you’re going in the opposite direction of what you came here to do.
3. Side Effects of a Spiritual Awakening
The third reason has to do with going through a spiritual awakening. If you’re sensitive to energy, then you know that things are ramping up and getting very intense energetically. Humanity is going through an enormous consciousness expansion and awakening right now. A symptom of this is an exponential increase in sensitivity to energy. As a result of that, a lot of people will start to become aware of their own suppressed emotions and trauma, as well as what they inherited from their ancestors and what is held in the collective field.
People seem to have an adaptive behaviour to avoid pain at all cost. They resort to things like addictions or distractions to numb it instead. But humanity’s sensitivity is increasing to a level where coping mechanisms just won’t work anymore. This means all the suppressed emotional pain and trauma is going to be flooding into the conscious awareness where it will need to be dealt with.
If you think that’s not enough, people are also becoming more conscious of the fact that perhaps the choices they’ve made in life so far may not have been in aligned to who they really are and what they truly want. They’re starting to realize they might have spent their entire life living someone else’s dream and chasing after something they’ve been programmed to want, not what is truly in their heart and soul.
This has to do with the fact people are getting more in touch with the authenticity of their soul and remembering their internal blueprint. Coming into a realization that life has been a lie—whether it’s realizing you’ve been pretending to be someone you’re not in life or how everything you’ve been taught in life is false—can be very shocking and depressing. When you’re faced with the truth that you’ve been deceived and ventured off from your true path will not be a good feeling. This is why I think there’s massive increase in depression right now and it will likely continue to trend upwards in the years to come.
Spiritually speaking, depression is an opportunity for you to turn inwards. It’s a chance for you to withdraw your energy and attention from the external world and bring it internally to yourself instead. It’s re-directing energy so you can use it to heal, figure out what is it that you really want in life and take action to make whatever that is happen.
How to Heal Depression Spiritually
There a few things you can do to help the heal spiritual cause of depression. The easiest thing you can do is start listening to light language sound healing music. This is a specific type of meditation music that is encoded with primordial sound tones and frequencies which will reconnect you to your soul and help release some of the pent up emotional energy.
Another thing you can do is practice self-reflection through journaling and develop your sense of self-awareness. This is the first step of doing inner healing work that will eventually reconnect you back to your own soul.
When you have a strong connection to your soul and understand intuitively where it wants to guide you in life, you can then take action and do things that will move you closer onto that path.
These action steps will take more time, work and effort compared to conventional options but they are permanent solutions, not bandaid approaches. If you follow these steps, you won’t be coping with depression for the rest of your life because you’ll be eliminating the root cause and healing it for good.
Inner healing work is complex work because it involves many moving parts. It requires strong self-awareness and critical thinking skills. You also need to be able to look at yourself objectively and be willing to take responsibility for the things that come up. If you have no idea how to do inner work or where to start, consider working with a spiritual mentor who can coach you through that process.
Otherwise, you can try these three journal prompts as a start:
- Describe a time in your life when you were truly being yourself. How did that feel?
- Do you try to hide any parts of who you are from others? If so, why do you do that?
- What is one thing you really want to do in life that brings you joy? What is stopping you from doing it right now?
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