0 In Spirit

Spiritual DNA: The Doorway to Your Multidimensional Self

How to activate spiritual DNA with sound healing

Science has only decoded 2% of the human genome. Did you ever wonder what the rest of it is for? It is by no means junk. Aside from another 8% that codes for endogenous retroviruses, the remaining 90% actually codes for your multidimensional self. This means you have spiritual DNA that accounts for things like your consciousness, soul memories, spiritual gifts, psychic abilities, immortality, and your connection to Source. When these genes turn on, you become the greatest version of yourself. You embody the divine angelic version of yourself and reach your highest potential as a human being. So, if everyone carries these incredible genetic potentials, why does it seem like none of it is being actualized in humanity?

Well, it has to do with energy.


Epigenetics and DNA Expression

As quantum physics states, everything is energy. This includes the many problems plaguing humanity today such as emotional pain, trauma, fears, limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. Those are all energies too. Through epigenetics, we know that our environment influences our gene expression. Dense energies, like the examples listed above, create an environment that suppresses positive gene expression.

These dense energies create a barrier around your DNA that blocks light from reaching it. Light is needed to clear, heal and turn on beneficial genes. As more of these genes turn on, your consciousness will begin to expand and you have a greater ability to self-actualize as the unlimited multidimensional being that you are.

However, if you have a layer of dense energies blocking light from reaching your DNA, your ability to actualize your genetic potential is significantly reduced.


Inheriting Ancestral Energies

If you experience resistance to positive change or find yourself struggling to overcome destructive patterns in your life, the reason may run a lot deeper than you realize.

Did you know that ancestral traumas, limiting beliefs and patterns also get passed down the family line too? Yes, it’s true! You can inherit them from your parents, just like physical traits, because they are energies that can get imprinted into the DNA.

So the next time you come across resistance to doing inner work or feel hopelessly stuck in life, remember this. You’re not just working to heal your own issues, you’re also carrying problems from your entire ancestral lineage. Part of your purpose here is to help your ancestors heal those things. So when life gets really tough, remember all that you’re carrying. It will help you find self-compassion.


How to Turn On Your Spiritual DNA

To turn on your spiritual DNA, you have know how to clear the dense energies suppressing its expression and then nature will do the rest. You can start by becoming aware of the non-physical influences in your environment and make lifestyle changes. Then, you can move onto inner work to heal the history of abuse, trauma and pain you’re carrying. But to really see results, you’ll need to take things up a notch and engage in spiritual healing to clear those dense energies. As you improve your energetic environment, you lift the barrier that’s blocking the light needed to bring your spiritual DNA online. When the pathways are open, the natural process of evolving into your unlimited multidimensional self will then unfold on its own.

I offer a spiritual consultation and light language sound healing session if you’d like to receive personal support on this. You can also use my free sound meditation to clear these energies and start bringing more light into your DNA. I combine different elements sound healing (i.e. light language singing and vocal toning sequences) to help you do this.


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